Wednesday 9 December 2009

Lab rat

This is hard to write.

Not in a "I'm leaving you" kind of way. But because I've got a bloody needle in my right arm right in the bendy bit and I'm typing on a blackberry, which requires the bendy bit to bend.

So this is hard to write.

In a ward. Lights out but found a TV room with football and found a guy to chat to with cancer, who is also a diver. What are the odds?

Felt crap this morning, little sleep and the trauma of the bone scrape was getting to me, mentally and physically. I don't know why, but the scariest part of this whole deal has been thinking about when I have to do that again.

A good friend came to see me this evening. The nurses let me roam free after sticking this thing in my arm and we went for a CrappoBurger over the road. Company is appreciated. Spend too long alone and you just can't but think about things like 'spleens'.

I'm feeling like a lab rat already. Poked, prodded, felt, injected and questioned. Although rats are unlikely to be questioned that much to be honest.

I'm tired but won't sleep. Some seriously looking ill people lie around me, like I've stumbled into the set of the next Rob Zombie film. A glimpse of our futures, near or far.

Tomorrow, a general anesthetic (?) and a quick removal of lymph node from under the arm. Must remember not to spray on deodorant tomorrow.

Thanks to the gazillion of well-wishers. Its touching.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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